Department of Education – Region III
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City




Empowering Minds, Illuminating Futures: Igniting Scientific Literacy



Formerly Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP), the STE is the flagship program of the Department of Education which aims to enhance the learner’s science process skills and provide an avenue to practice their interest through an inquiry and outcomes-based instructional approach. The learners of this program are provided with opportunities through enhanced science and technology-oriented curriculum that will prepare them for higher education or work, with strong focus on Science, Mathematics and Research.


A special program, the Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program, is designed to provide the framework for a future in science and/or provide encouragement for a career for learners who have an interest and aptitude for science. In accordance with DepEd Order No. 55 s. 2010, which was changed in conjunction with the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum, the policies, and guidelines to be followed in the program are specified.

As asserted in DepEd Order No. 38 series of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) will support the program by providing financial assistance to public secondary schools which implement the STE program. The STE program was previously known as the Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) when it was piloted in 1994 by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

In line with its mission to optimize science and mathematics education in the country, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), has been officially implementing the Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program in 112 schools across the country since 2004, according to the Department of Education. Since its inception in 1994 as a pilot project by the Science Education Institute (SEI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the number of schools implementing the Program has grown to include an additional 86 public secondary schools nationwide. Two classes per year level are offered in selected general high schools with high enrolment to students enrolled in this specialized curriculum.

It is the commitment of the Department of Education to assist students in realizing their full potential in all areas of study. To achieve this goal, several programs and projects have been implemented. As one of its focuses, it strives to generate high-quality learners in the fields of science and technological innovation. It has been established in this regard that a Special Curricular Program in Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) has been established with the goal of developing highly responsible and morally upright students who are globally competitive and work ready. This initiative strives to increase access to high-quality secondary education, with the goal of developing learners who have an interest in and aptitude for jobs in, or higher education in, the fields of science, technology, and engineering, among other things.

S.Y. 2023 - 2024

GRADE 7 - 85
GRADE 8 - 99
GRADE 9 - 103
GRADE 10 - 155
TOTAL - 442

Latest News

Enrollment procedure for incoming Grade 7 STE students now posted 

OCNHS STE students clinched 5th Spot in MET Innovation 2024 in Munoz, Nueva Ecija

The Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program at Olongapo City National High School is a dynamic initiative that immerses students in hands-on learning, innovation, and problem-solving. With state-of-the-art facilities and a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, the program equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in STEM fields, fostering creativity and preparing them to become future leaders and innovators in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.


Envisions highly responsible, morally upright, globally competitive and work-ready learners from schools offering relevant and innovative Science, Technology and Engineering education.


Shall be the center of excellence in Science, Technology and Engineering education in the schools division that shall develop the full potential of students along these areas


Aims to widen access to quality secondary education with the view to developing learners for careers on higher learning in Science, Technology and Engineering

The Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program at Olongapo City National High School is a dynamic initiative that immerses students in hands-on learning, innovation, and problem-solving. With state-of-the-art facilities and a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, the program equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in STEM fields, fostering creativity and preparing them to become future leaders and innovators in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.


DepEd Order No. 46, s. 2012 on Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of The Special Curricular Programs, item 4, dated June 11, 2012

……, the SCPs take the place of TLE of the core curriculum. All the other subjects of the core curriculum shall be adopted, including the time allocation as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012.
The add-ons to the core curriculum shall be the advance subjects of the special programs. Likewise, the schools have the option to further enrich the curriculum, provided that the requirements of the core curriculum and the special curricular programs have been met.

DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019 on Policy Guidelines on the K to 12
Basic Education Program, item 69 p. 88… dated Aug. 22, 2019

In JHS, the SCPs will no longer take the place of TLE; instead, the SCP will be treated as an additional subject. The delivery of TLE shall be contextualized to the SCP being taken up by the learners.




OCNHS STE Students Clinched 5th Spot in MET Innovation 2024

In a remarkable showcase of innovation and technological prowess, Olongapo City National High School (OCNHS) has emerged victorious in the prestigious MET Innovation 2024 regional contest. The school clinched the top honors for their groundbreaking entry, “Flotify,” a solar-powered water level indicator aimed at addressing critical water management issues.

The MET Innovation competition, held annually to foster creativity and problem-solving skills among young minds in the region, witnessed stiff competition from various educational institutions. However, OCNHS distinguished itself with its ingenious solution to a pertinent local challenge.


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