Department of Education – Region III
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City





A strong, versatile, competent leader he is perceived by everyone in spite of his huge success as Department Head VI of the English Department. Just like any other stories of success, he had his humble beginnings, the road was not as smooth, and the grass could not have been greener if he was not spared from life’s odds and perils. Having been raised second to the eldest in a family of eight by a father, who is a furniture house maker, and a mother, who is a plain housekeeper, life could never be that easy. The dream of having a brighter future is a grain in the sand and a murmur to God’s ears; however, he made use of the situation as a driving force as he goes through the course of life. Faith in God, determination, and conviction from within were his armors that paved the way as he made his fate and changed his destiny.

He started his journey in the teaching profession in the year 2004-2005 as a middle school teacher at the College of Subic Montessori and a year after, was promoted as Middle School Department Head. It was in July 2008 when his craft was developed, and his horizons widened as he entered the school premise of Olongapo City National High School as Teacher I in the English Department. His competence and creativity to think beyond the box were evident as he got promoted as a Master Teacher I. As he does his functions, dramatic and inevitable changes came in with the loss of a former English Department Head VI, and a very dear friend, Dr. Allan Maroda. To pursue the legacy of a great mentor was a challenge, to sustain the passion and to make a difference were even more.

In March 2020, he got promoted as Department Head VI in English an opportunity for him to fill the void in his heart and to prove his worth. His brilliant ideas gained him remarkable awards and recognitions, to name a few: Outstanding Reading Advocate for S.Y 2020-2021 Department Head’s Category, Outstanding Employee 2021. Outstanding Master Teacher 2018, and Division Best Contextualized Lesson Exemplar Presenter. He authored a number of articles and modules, to wit: Division Level published articles, through the Regional Examiner Publication in Region III entitled School Readiness and How to Teach English in the New Normal, and Division Quality-Assured Learning Modules (1 – 5) for Grade 10.

A proponent of different projects, programs, and activities such as Re-orientation on Research Agenda & Revitalizing the IMRAD: Doing Research in the New Normal held at Olongapo City National High School during the conduct of Project ARTURO, In-Service Training on Performance Review and Evaluation, Portfolio Assessment and Performance Mentoring and Coaching in the New Normal. Adding to the list are numerous series of trainings and seminars. His name has also been marked in the academe working as part-time instructor at prestigious colleges in the city, Gordon College and Celtech College and at present took, another leap by becoming a Graduate School Professor at Columban College.

Despite the huge responsibilities, he performs way beyond expected. He earns the trust and confidence of his superiors with his versatility. Doing his job is a commitment although he is wired with day-to-day work demands, he still manages to show perfection, grace, and loyalty to people. His endearing love for his family is the key to where he is now. Looking back on how he was, what he is now, and what would he be in the future, his story will serve as an inspiration to someone who had selfless love for his family and faith in God to withstand hurdles, with whom he offers everything.