Department of Education – Region III
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City



SPSS Electives/ Contextualized TLE Subjects

Elective 1: (Fundamentals of Academic Writing with ICT Application)

This course is designed to prepare students for the kinds of assignments you will encounter in college. The goal of the course is to expand your skills and build your self-confidence as academic readers, researchers, and writers. The course provides a series of short written exercises that cover the fundamentals: how to read scholarly texts; how to read for and write with a focus on logical validity and coherence as an academic writer; how to plan and organize a well-structured argument or explanation; how to find, synthesize, and cite sources; and how to edit, polish, and proofread your final draft to ensure readability.

Elective 2: (Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Argument and Debate and Media Applications)

This course is an introduction to speech communication which emphasizes the practical skill of public speaking, including techniques to lessen speaker anxiety, and the use of visual aids to enhance speaker presentations. This course delves in (1)concepts and models of communication, (2)how to adapt a speech for different occasions and audiences, (3)how to effectively support your ideas, (4)how to select and organize materials in preparation for a speech, (5)how to utilize multimedia tools in presentations, among other skills, and (6) concepts and production of an infomercial. Students will also develop their skills in debate as well as in conducting parliamentary procedures.

Elective 3: (Research 1: Introduction to Qualitative Research)

This course focuses on the nature of qualitative research. It will introduce  the various methods used, data collection techniques and analysis of data in the qualitative research.

Elective 4: (Research 2: Introduction to Quantitative Research)

This course focuses on the nature of quantitative research. It will introduce  the various methods used, data collection techniques and analysis of data in the quantitative research.